Monday, 5 August 2013

A Letter to Me in 2018

Jadi, ditengah-tengah sore kemarin yang sangat sibuk, seorang teman saya, Olin, mengirimkan sebuah pesan kepada saya. Dia bersama 4 orang teman lainnya mengajak saya untuk menulis sebuah surat untuk 5 tahun yang akan datang. Well, it sounds interesting dan langsung saja saya menyetujuinya. Ternyata setelah dipikir-pikir, bingung juga mau nulis kaya apa. hehehe. Tapi, inilah surat terbaik yang saya buat. Selamat membaca!

To: Myself in 2018

Hello to you in 2018! You are already 23 years old now. Woohoo! I hope you are doing good and fine as usual :) I hope you live somewhere you belong to. I hope you are doing something you love.

So, here I am in 2013 writing a letter for you. First of all, I'm so proud of everything you've done for the past 3 years. High School was really awesome, you really had a great time, great friends, and a great place. Congratulation because your decision to move to a boarding school in Yogyakarta was very right! I could see many things changed you to be a better person. I could feel how happy you were in your school. I know stece is a girls school but it did rock your life right? :) I remember how brave you were to choose language class, not social class or even science. Then, your parents were mad at you for about 2 weeks after you came out with that decision. I remember how hard you struggled for about 2 years in language class. You were dying to prove to your parents that you deserved in there because your parents felt disappointed over and over again. But you were always stick in your way. You always enjoyed the class, the teachers, and other 22 girls in your class. They thought you how to stay low profile, loyal, and lovable, also how to stick in your principle so, you wouldn't go wrong. 

Do you remember how much madness that you had experienced?

Thursday, 18 July 2013

One Day More

I've been wondering what will I be since I was a kid. I had a lot of dreams and goals that time and it changed every time I got interested by something, but I never said or even was interested to be a doctor. Hahaha, I don't mean to offend everyone who wants to be a doctor or gonna be a doctor soon, but I always wonder why most of kids always want to be a doctor? A fact that happened in my school is that goal just disappeared after they met science and stuffs. Only a few of them who really survived. Proud.
Anyway, What I really want to talk is about a BIG DAY that will decide my future for the next 4 years.
A day that will determine my dream and hope.
A day that will determine what I am going to do for the next 4 years.
A day that will determine where I am going to live. Well, not in Jakarta.
A day that will determine what my future really is.
Yes, Friday, 19th of July, tomorrow morning is the announcement day for Universitas Indonesia

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Super Summer Camp

Hahaha. Gaya banget judulnya '"Summer Camp". :P Tidak, ini bukan summer camp kaya di luar negeri gitu. But yes, I just came back from a camp which is super fun!  Best holiday so far :)

One day, ibu ku menawari aku untuk ikutan camp ini dan sebelumnya aku pun belum pernah mendengar tentang camp ini sama sekali.
Nama campnya adalah
"7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Supercamp 2013"

Sebuah program yang diselenggarakan oleh Dunamis Foundation yang berkerja sama dengan FranklinCovey Education. Dan berakhirlah saya di camp tersebut selama hampir seminggu, dari tanggal 1-6 Juli 2013, bersama teman-teman baru :)
Well, pasti sebagian besar kalian banyak yang belum pernah mengenal camp ini. Kata temen gue, "Itu pasti semacam camp psikologi" Bahahahaha.
Ternyata benar, sebagian besar teman-teman baru saya juga mengaku kalau mereka dipaksa orang tuanya juga. Waktu itu saya langsung mengiyakan tawaran ibu tanpa pandangan apa-apa mengenai camp itu dan ekspresi yang datar.Aku kira gak ada yang salah buat dicoba. Lumayanlah daripada garing liburannya.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Bimbel oh Bimbel

*Inhale exhale*

Well yeah, Hello!
Actually, I still got some stuffs to be posted about... everything. :P But, this one is urgently need to be posted. I don't know why.

Sekarang, aku sedang berada dalam liburan yang super panjang. Yah, biasa lah pengangguran alumni SMA. Aku udah balik ke Jakarta setelah beberapa hari liburan di Bali dan masih merindukan Yogya :') To be honest, aku sendiri masih menyimpan beban karena gue belum tahu mau kuliah dimana.... untuk pastinya. *sighs*. Buat back up-nya sih udah ada, sebuah universitas swasta baru di Serpong, tapi aku tujuan utama ku adalah ngejar PTN. Itu berarti udah jelas dong aku harus mengikuti serangkaian tes. Secara SNMPTN kemarin gak diterima. 

Sekilas ngomong-ngomong soal SNMPTN, jujur saja aku agak sebel karena yang diterima kebanyakan dari sekolah negeri. Haaaaahhh........... 
Mungkin bener kata orang kalau kamu mau kuliah di negeri, ya SMA harus yang negeri juga. Oke, aku akui kalau swasta minta ampun susahnya! Tapi untuk beberapa alasan tertentu, aku tetap memilih sekolah swasta. I lope you apa adanya stece... *ketjup* Jujur, mau orang bilang sekolah ku adalah sekolah swasta nomor 1 se-Yogyakarta, yang keterima SNMPTN cuma 2 ekor. we te ef...
UGM aja gak ada yang diterima. Beneran dah sekolah gue kena blacklist. :'( Gue yakin dan percaya kalo ini semua gara-gara ada alumni yang menolak untuk masuk PTN. Ada kok tahun lalu. *ngacung golok*

Oke, cukup sebel-sebelannya soal SNMPTN and stuffs. Mau gak mau aku dan teman-teman harus berhadapan dengan serangkaian ujian SBMPTN sampai mandiri (kalau ada). Semangat!

#MIKAJKT 2 - Chasing MIKA

First of all, let me say sorry for being such a bad fans....
!@#$%^% I'm feeling so bad for postponing all my Mika stories. Lots of things need to be taken care, school, university, graduation, vacation, and blah blah blah.. (common reasons for a lazyass writer like meh...)

Awkay! better be (very) late than not at all.

May 8, 2013
Mika concert was getting closer and of course I was so excited and hyper. Yeahaha. From last night, Mika announced that he will fly to Jakarta right after the JBC fashion show for his new clothing design in Belgium. I woke that day and wondered if I could pick him up at the airport. Unfortunately, there was no information at all about his arrival! I already asked the promotor, even Close Up, yeahh some kind a product who contributed a lot in his concert andddd no reply, at all.

So, I started thinking that it's okay not to see him first at the airport. He must be really tired and had jet lag. Cool Idea.
But bunch of mika fans in @MikaIndonesia kept asking me if I know anything about his flight. Ah, so sad! Blame it on the promotor.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Ingin Pulang...

Posisi aku sekarang lagi di Jakarta. Konser Mika udah selese dari 9 hari yang lalu. Orangnya juga udah balik ke Paris sekarang.

Aku pengen pulang. Pulang kemana?
Rumah ku emang di Jakarta kok. Tepatnya di Duren Sawit, deket BKT. -___-
Aku ingin pulang. Pulang secepatnya ke Asrama tercinta.

#MIKAJKT 1 - The Announcement

*Sighs* It's been more than a week and I haven't posted about Mika concert in Jakarta. I'm such a bad fan. :P

First of all, let me do a flashback...

February 25, 2013
It was really a hot day in Yogyakarta, I just finished with my second Try Out. Such a tired and stressful day. Then, I went out from my classroom and checked out my phone. Scrolling, scrolling my twitter and suddenly I saw @MikaFanClub tweeted that Mika will perform in Jakarta this may.

I couldn't describe my feeling at that time...
just running and yelling in my school corridor. :D

Then I checked Mika fanpage on facebook and it was TRUE!

Then I yelled again.


ahhh... then I went back to my dorm quickly and logged in to my twitter and @MikaIndonesia. Couldn't wait to share this massive news to everyone. 
All Mika fan in Indonesia was in the same shock like me.

such a happy happy very HAPPY DAY! :D
and I couldn't stop spamming Mika (@mikasounds) on twitter to show much grateful I was! 

The following day:
The whole Try Out was completely messed up.
I couldn't sleep well
The only thing in my mind was mika, mika, mika, and mika.
and This situation continued for about more than 1 week.
I was such a dying fangirl. Hahahahaha

(To be Continued to #MIKAJKT 2)

Friday, 22 March 2013

The Times

It’s really in the middle of night, and I suddenly want to write something here. I’m back for writing after many weeks had been stolen for all the try outs and stuffs. I’ve been realllyyyy… hmm, I don’t know. Closer to God? Yesss, deeply. Closer to all my dormitory friends, even closer more than you can know. I’ve been experiencing many things. I’m enjoying every single day in here. It’s like the blessed time I ever had.

A confession

And finally I’ve found my way. It’s not 100 % yet but I’m pretty sure that it’s gonna be the best way that God has showed me. I’ve never been so confident like this but I’m just happy with it. If I tell you guys what my way is, maybe some of you will say that I’m already late to start, even maybe my parents. But I never think that I’m late. So what? God always showed his way on the right time.

You remember when I was being so damn puzzled with all the future and university thing? Remember when I was dying to go to Germany? Remember when I fell in love with French, something that was actually left behind? When I was excited about film school in Europe? When my father didn’t let me to study in Europe, and then when he suddenly opened all the way to Germany, but in the same time I really want to go to France? When It was dark and I couldn't decide anything? It HAS ended already! And my choice is directly to go to...