Friday, 5 October 2012

The Naked Traveler 4 Talkshow in Jogja with Trinity

"Paranoia is not requited, but the Common Sense is!" - Trinity

Yes! Ceritanya ini baru jam 9,baru aja sampe asrama dari acara talkshownya mbak Trinity di Djendelo cafe, Togamas Affandi. Acaranya baruuu aja kelar setengah jam yang lalu, sampe kamar cus buka laptop.

Mungkin postingan ini akan berakhir panjang karena saya mau cerita dulu. Sebelumnya, saya merupakan anak rantau yang tinggal di asrama dan masih duduk di bangku kelas 3 SMA. Sebagai mana yang kalian ketahui bahwa asrama itu sangat terikat dengan peraturan-peraturan dari suster (yang memang berperan sebagai pengelola sekaligus pembimbing).

Jadi ceritanya, tadi siang jam 2 abis pulang sekolah saya bersama teman saya, Verren, langsung menghadap suster beserta buku ijin kita karena kita mau dateng ke acara talkshownya mbak Trinity. Suster pun berkata bahwa kita diijinkan TAPI harus ikut misa mingguan asrama yang selalu diadakan tiap hari jumat dan buku ijin kita ditahan suster. Misa mulai jam 6 sore, sedangkan talkshow jam 6.30. Sedangkan, kita pun masih harus dateng ke suatu acara sebelum talkshow itu dimulai. Akhirnya, berbekal nekat kita kabur siang itu juga dari asrama...

Ceritanya bersambung sampai situ dulu, sebenarnya masih panjang tapi yang penting sekarang saya mau ngebahas tentang talkshow The Naked Traveler 4 bersama mbak Trinity yang jelas-jelas adalah pengarangnya. Saya memang hardcore fannya mbak Trinity dari buku pertamanya dan sangat tergila-gila dengan tulisan-tulisannya. 

Monday, 1 October 2012

My Strange Hobby

It's around 8.40 pm (GMT +7) now and I'm supposed to study math because I have a test for tomorrow morning butttt, suddenly I just want to post something in here. Don't ask why. It just happened. LOL XD

Well, I'm gonna write about my strange hobby. Strange? wait, why strange? It's just a drawing hobby. What makes it so strange?
Yeah, I called it strange because it really against the way I live my life, my personality, and whatsoever.

To be honest, If you see the way I dress, you must think that I'm the one who has no sense of fashion at all. I'm just an ordinary girl who doesn't give a shit about those fashion trends. Every day it is just me with my t-shirt, pants or trousers, and sneakers, or even flip flops in anywhere and anytime. Well, not really, I do know about manner. Hahaha :D

I'm also a person who always looks messy with my frizzy curly hair, and I tend to be a bit boyish. I don't really like skirt because it disturbs me when I'm cycling and also girly outfits which just only waste my money and I hate high heels so much. It kills my foots for God's sake!
And, that is slightly about myself. 

Back to the Hobby, I BET you guys will think that I'm crazeeeh for doing this!

*drum rolls*

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Last Year High School

Akhirnya saya ngeblog setelah sekian dekade...

Jadi ceritanya saya sudah 1 bulan lebih menjadi kelas 3 SMA. Time really flies! Perasaan baru kemaren ikut mos, susah-susah berjuang di kelas 10, senang-senang di kelas 11, dan BOOM!

You are definitely in the last year of high school... 

(Sempet syok sendiri gitu ceritanya)

Bagi saya sejauh ini belum terasa gregetnya dan baru mau kerasa. Berbagai petuah, ceramah, nasihat, petunjuk, dan wangsit dari orang tua, guru dan siapa pun sudah terekam jelas di otak. Kelas 3 memang masa yang paling menentukan (sejauh ini) sekaligus untuk gila-gilaan. Halah...

Friday, 25 May 2012

The Next Challenging Step

Damn, I don't know why it has to be tittled like that, it seems like a huge thing but actually don't hahaha. Well, again and again i must say that it's been a long time since my second post. Hahaha the awkward moment when you actually promise to keep writing a blog but actually don't.

Anyway, it's a great day. I had a swimming practice every friday with a friend, that's good, then visited a watercolor painting exhibition for a while. (It was aweeeesome!) and the rest night i spent with my music, laptop and internet. Here's the next step that i want to tell you, I will try and try and tryyy so hard to be able to

Thursday, 8 March 2012

When a blog reminds me what to do

Well, it's a long pouring night. I'm sitting on my bed and trying to get involved with everything around. There were just laptop, headset, cellphone, mini fan, blounyie, and the left over craps. Hahaha I just spent some time with myself and pretty great here. I already just forgot the little fight with me and mom and I had been like downloading, spamming on twitter, reading blogs, buffering, and believe it or not I almost never did something like that in these few weeks. The whole thing I know was just eating and sleeping. Well yeah, sometimes it's good to have some time far from cyber world. :D My lovely sennheiser just back from service center and also my cellphone. So go away you boredom!! :P

What am I gonna talking about here? I don't even know. :P Haha so, sometimes writing can be so hard for me but having a blog always reminds me to write something new. Yeahaha, to be honest it's my 2nd post here but at least I am back to WRITE! *big applause* well, how could a blog can force me to always go back here and write? 

Thursday, 2 February 2012


Salut! I'm Budhe. Just a nick name. Still in a High School somewhere in Yogyakarta. In fact, I come from Jakarta City :D Got into an amazing Language class. already in last year of high school \m/ and having so much fun everyday. Been living in a dormitory since 2010. It's the best life ever.
I speak Indonesia (of course) and English, little bit French and German. Even, french is the one that I'm serious with. I'm also learning a violin right now (I love it since my love-hate relationship with piano didn't go really well). LOL

I'm not a hardcore blogger but I'll try to post as many as i can. It's just about everything in my life. Some moments are worthy to be shared. 

P.S: I'm a very big BIG fan of MIKA :) hahaha

Au Revoir
