Well, it's a long pouring night. I'm sitting on my bed and trying to get involved with everything around. There were just laptop, headset, cellphone, mini fan, blounyie, and the left over craps. Hahaha I just spent some time with myself and pretty great here. I already just forgot the little fight with me and mom and I had been like downloading, spamming on twitter, reading blogs, buffering, and believe it or not I almost never did something like that in these few weeks. The whole thing I know was just eating and sleeping. Well yeah, sometimes it's good to have some time far from cyber world. :D My lovely sennheiser just back from service center and also my cellphone. So go away you boredom!! :P
What am I gonna talking about here? I don't even know. :P Haha so, sometimes writing can be so hard for me but having a blog always reminds me to write something new. Yeahaha, to be honest it's my 2nd post here but at least I am back to WRITE! *big applause* well, how could a blog can force me to always go back here and write?
One reason, there are like thousands of sweet, bitter, boring, fun, sad, happy memories and those are like history that i want to remember and can be written just like in your thick heavy history book. Even the little things that happen can be such a wonderful memory. Just like on last tuesday when me and friends had so much fun under the downpour till a teacher got mad or when our dormitory puppy, Brownie, died in just 3 weeks since his arrival. Because all of us are getting old and when you get back here then you'll find the most precious treasure that everybody else can't steal it from your life.
Remember, being nuts and rebel can't be last forever. Being young is the golden time in every part of your life. Time to live with your wild, nasty, stinky dream or even with your cheesiest fantasy. Don't you ever just let it go and stuck with your parents word or everything that kidnap you from freedom.Life's just like a road that you travel on. There's one day here and the next day gone. Earn each memory and experience that you get, try to write it down, anywhere, anytime. So, one day when you are old and using a stick or lying weakly on a bed with your limited days left, I think you will never regret anything when you have to finish this life.
So, this is what I'm still working about with my never ending job. Hope this will inspire all of you lazyass blogger :) hahaha kidding. Live your life!
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